High School Professional Development Workshops


Summer 2024

Learn New Techniques To Prepare Students For College Coursework

中央社区学院(CCC)为25个县服务区的高中教育工作者提供以技能为基础的讲习班,以学习在大学水平上教授的技术和程序. These professional development workshops will provide useful information, activities, and training to help educators prepare students for future success.


These workshops have limited space. Be sure to register early.


Most of these workshops have a small fee. 


Who will receive the stipend?

  • 在CCC 25个县服务区的高中教师,在车间的学科或相关领域任教
  • High school counselors in the CCC 25-county service area
  • High school Early College contact person(s) from CCC 25-county service area

A stipend is available to those who qualify and attend each day. 


For More Information Contact:

Joanie Guerrero
Jamey Peterson-Jones

Payment Questions:
Student Accounts

Workshop Descriptions

(CLOSED) DSGN - Hands-on Manufacturing (Hastings) (May 28-30)


Cost: $64.50

Date: May 28-30  (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday)
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  (1-hour lunch)
Location: Hastings Campus - 550 S. Technical Blvd., Hastings, NE
Building: Hamilton
Instructors: Brian Davis, Ryan Jones
Cap: 16
Stipend: $450 (for those who qualify)

In this workshop, we will design and build a fidget spinner and accessories. We will use solid modeling software, 3D printers, and a CNC Mill to manufacture the fidget spinner and assemble all the components. No manufacturing experience is necessary.

One day will be a tour of local manufacturing companies.

When registering for the summer professional development workshop at CCC, you will be asked to pay a refundable deposit. You will be refunded the deposit in full upon completion of the workshop.

(CLOSED) ENGL - Teaching Dual Credit English Composition I & II (Kearney) (May 29)


Cost: $34.50

Date: May 29  (Wednesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  (1/2-hour lunch)
Location: Kearney Center - 1215 30th Avenue, Kearney, NE
Building: Main
Room: 328
Instructor: Amy Hammond
Cap: 15
Stipend: $150 (for those who qualify)

This session is for those teaching English Composition I or II at a high school. The session will cover:

  • Incorporating the texts and materials into Canvas
  • Classroom activities for student engagement and critical thinking
  • Essay assignment guidance and idea sharing
  • Integrating Turn-it-in into the Canvas Modules
  • Seamless essay grading using the Turn-it-in grading features
  • Creating your rubric in Turn-it-in
  • ASL evaluations over the final essay

Please bring a laptop.

(闭馆)HMRM -克里奥尔,灵魂食品和寿司与烹饪艺术(黑斯廷斯)(5月29日至30日)


Cost: $49.50

Date: May 29-30  (Wednesday-Thursday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  (1/2-hour lunch)
Location: Hastings Campus - 550 S. Technical Blvd., Hastings, NE
Building: Platte
Room: 155
Instructors: Courtney Rempe, Dylan Krings, Eron Baker
Cap: 20
Stipend: $300 (for those who qualify)

This hands-on workshop will be in our culinary lab. We will demonstrate techniques and fundamentals of creole, soul food, and sushi. 你将了解历史,帮助准备菜肴,品尝所有美味的食物.

(封闭)汽车- NC3胎压监测系统(TPMS5)认证(黑斯廷斯)(6月10日)


Cost: $29.50

Date: June 10  (Monday)
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  (no lunch)
Location: Hastings Campus - 550 S. Technical Blvd., Hastings, NE
Building: Furnas
Room: F128
Instructor: Nick Kelley
Cap: 10
Stipend: $100 (for those who qualify)

这个研讨会是为任何想要了解更多关于轮胎压力监测系统用于汽车或轻型卡车应用的人. We will be using the new Snap-On TPMS5 tool for this Certification. 对于高中和大学水平的学生以及入门级技术人员来说,这是一个很好的入门级工作认证.


(CLOSED) AGRI - Agricultural Essentials (Hastings) (June 10-12)


Cost: $64.50

Date: June 10-12  (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  (1-hour lunch)
Location: Hastings Campus - 550 S. Technical Blvd., Hastings, NE
Building: Webster
Instructor: Brad Lang, Jeff Buescher
Cap: 15
Stipend: $450 (for those who qualify)

This workshop will provide a wide variety of lesson plan sessions including:

  • Basic Livestock Ration Formulation and Pricing
  • Feedstuffs Identification / Feed Label Reading and Pricing
  • Hands-on Digestive Tract Anatomy
  • Ruminants
  • Monogastric
  • Poultry
  • Technology Application in Livestock Production
  • Pesticide Label Interpretation
  • Personal and Environmental Safety Related to Pesticide Use
  • Pesticide Rate Calculations (Acre area / Rate of Application / Rate of Speed / Fertilizer Math)
  • Technology Application in Crop Production
(关闭)INFO - Arduino, Raspberry Pi和机器人介绍(Hastings)(6月11日至13日)


Cost: $64.50

Date: June 11-13  (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  (1/2-hour lunch)
Location: Hastings Campus - 550 S. Technical Blvd., Hastings, NE
Building: Platte
Room: 117
Instructor:  Alex Kemnitz, Dan Gompert
Cap: 15
Stipend: $450 (for those who qualify)

参与者将踏上一段令人振奋的旅程,深入研究三个迷人领域的基础知识,并发现它们与课堂动态的无缝融合. Guided by the expertise of Dan Gompert, an instructor at Central Community College, 您将揭开Arduino编程语言及其应用的奥秘. 利用树莓派的力量,释放与未来互联技术接口的潜力. Diving deeper into the realm of robotics, Alex Kemnitz, sponsor of the Robotic Club at Grand Island Public Schools, will illuminate the path toward mastering basic programming in the world of robots.

When registering for the summer professional development workshop at CCC, you will be asked to pay a refundable deposit. You will be refunded the deposit in full upon completion of the workshop.

(闭门)AGRI -教官远程飞行员认证准备(哥伦布)(6月11日至13日)


Cost: $64.50

Date: June 11-13 (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (1/2-hour lunch)
Location: Columbus Campus - 4500 63rd St., Columbus, NE
Building: North Education Center
Room: Room 959
Instructor: Chase Janssen
Cap: 10
Stipend: $450 (for those who qualify)

美国联邦航空局要求个人拥有远程飞行员证书,以便教官与学生一起驾驶无人机. 本次研讨会准备你采取FAA远程飞行员知识考试飞行无人机合法教育. 我们还将介绍与无人机相关的职业选择以及无人机可以为农业作业提供的可能性.

When registering for the summer professional development workshop at CCC, you will be asked to pay a refundable deposit. You will be refunded the deposit in full upon completion of the workshop.

(CLOSED) CRIM - Crime Scene Investigation (Grand Island) (June 12)


Cost: $34.50

Date: June 12  (Wednesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  (1-hour lunch)
Location: Grand Island Campus - 3134 W. Highway 34, Grand Island, NE
Building: Main Campus
Room: Room 101
Instructor: James Davis, John Sumsion
Cap: 12
Stipend: $150 (for those who qualify)


这个活动提供了一个动手的经验,你可以学习如何进行真正的犯罪现场调查. 你将有机会参加CCC犯罪中心的各种活动, such as fingerprinting, mold castings, and crime scene management. 此外,您将参观大岛证据实验室,并与他们的证据技术员交谈. 该领域的专家将参与讨论实际的犯罪现场调查,并分享他们在现实生活中的调查经验.

(闭馆)SPCH -螺旋桨动力:增强学生信心和引导在线演讲(大岛)(6月12日)


Cost: $27

Date: June 12  (Wednesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  (no lunch)
Location: Grand Island Campus - 3134 W. Highway 34, Grand Island, NE
Building: Main Campus
Room: 554
Instructor: Kristin Hoesing
Cap: 20
Stipend: $75 (for those who qualify)

What is it like to take an online speech course?

在这个研讨会上,我们将深入了解参加在线演讲课程的经验. 参加者将有机会参加有趣的活动,并参观CCC传粉者花园.

This workshop will cover the following areas:

Structure: Gain insight into the organization and layout of an online speech class, including how lessons are structured and how students progress through the class.

Digital Tools: Explore the various digital tools such as Harmonize, Yuja, and Canvas that are used in the online speech course.

Student Engagement: Discover how students engage in discussions and speech activities, as well as general speech rubrics.


(CLOSED) CRIM - Criminal Justice in Action (Grand Island) (June 20-21)


Cost: $59.50

Date: June 20-21  (Thursday-Friday)
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  (1-hour lunch)
Location: Grand Island Campus - 3134 W. Highway 34, Grand Island, NE
Building: Main
Room: 101
Instructors: John Sumsion, Michael David
Cap: 8
Stipend: $400 (for those who qualify)


Individuals will tour the Hall County jail, attend drug court, participate in law enforcement ride-a-longs, and visit the Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center for Girls in Hastings, NE.

Transportation is available for off-campus activities.

Tour Dress Code: casual dress, no shorts, or graphics on shirts.

(CLOSED) ECED - Empowering Educators: Introducing Paraeducator & Early Childhood Certificates (Grand Island) (June 25)


Cost: $27.00

Date: June 25  (Tuesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  (no lunch)
Location: Grand Island Campus - 3134 W. Highway 34, Grand Island, NE
Building: Main Campus
Room: 525
Instructor: Dr. Amy Mancini, Taylor Brase
Cap: 50
Stipend: $75 (for those who qualify)


本课程深入探讨了12学分的辅助教育工作者证书,旨在使个人有资格获得Title I中高薪的辅助教育工作者职位, SPED, and Early Childhood settings. Participants will gain insights into the certificate’s core components, including its transferability to 4-year colleges, alignment with state educational standards, the integration of Project Para, and MANDT training. Moreover, 我们将深入研究幼儿教育证书最近的变化, 包括减少总学分,并符合儿童发展助理(CDA)证书的要求. 与会者将发现这些改进如何为职业发展提供有价值的途径,并赋予当前和未来的辅助教育工作者和幼儿教育工作者权力.


(CLOSED) WELD - Welding Technology (Columbus) (June 25-27)


Cost: $64.50

Date: June 25-27 (Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  (1-hour lunch)
Location: Columbus Campus - 4500 63rd St., Columbus, NE
Building: North Education Center
Room: 980
Instructor: Bryce Standley
Cap: 12
Stipend: $450 (for those who qualify)

This workshop is intended to have freedom and versatility within the welding lab. The welding processes we will focus on will be Gas Tungsten Arc, Shielded Metal Arc, Gas Metal Arc, and Oxy-Acetylene Welding and/or Brazing. 我们将介绍每个过程的基本理论,并讨论它们与我们的FFA地区比赛的关系. The majority of the time will be spent in the welding lab.

We want this to be flexible, so come with questions if you have them!

Protective welding gear will be provided unless you prefer to bring your own gear. 在这个车间需要穿牛仔裤和闭头鞋(最好是靴子).

When registering for the summer professional development workshop at CCC, you will be asked to pay a refundable deposit. You will be refunded the deposit in full upon completion of the workshop.

(CLOSED) ECED - Empowering Educators: Introducing Paraeducator & Early Childhood Certificates (Columbus) (June 26)


Cost: $27.00

Date: June 26  (Wednesday)
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  (no lunch)
Location: Columbus Campus - 4500 63rd St., Columbus, NE
Building: West Education Center
Room: 209
Instructor: Dr. Amy Mancini, Taylor Brase
Cap: 50
Stipend: $75 (for those who qualify)


本课程深入探讨了12学分的辅助教育工作者证书,旨在使个人有资格获得Title I中高薪的辅助教育工作者职位, SPED, and Early Childhood settings. Participants will gain insights into the certificate’s core components, including its transferability to 4-year colleges, alignment with state educational standards, the integration of Project Para, and MANDT training. Moreover, 我们将深入研究幼儿教育证书最近的变化, 包括减少总学分,并符合儿童发展助理(CDA)证书的要求. 与会者将发现这些改进如何为职业发展提供有价值的途径,并赋予当前和未来的辅助教育工作者和幼儿教育工作者权力.


Register for HS Professional Development Workshops

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